Monday, October 27, 2008

My Writing Process

When I feel safe, free of time constraints and the pressure to meet certain standards, I take off confidently, eager to follow new paths, and knowing that each turn will review surprises. I marvel at my speed and endurance when I fly over the terrain for the pure pleasure of running with a new idea. When I let myself just run with an idea I make discoveries.

But those days of writing for the pure pleasure of exploring are counterd by days when my writing is labored and hessitant, similar to walking my son's dog. With little knowledge of dogs or even opportunties to walk a dog, she takes the lead. We jog, walk, stop and sniff; jog, walk, stop and sniff throughout the morning meandering around his neighborhood with no destination in sight. It is frustrating. Like writing, knowing how to ask for help and knowing the proper commands leads to successful walks. "Heel" said in a firm voice brings results far better than "oh, icky-poo."

I know that I will have days of running strongly and happily and days when I struggle with stopping and sniffing along a route.

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